The Simple Strategy Our Male Clients Use to Go from Sick and Sluggish to Strong and Steady in As Little As 8 Weeks

Without endless doctor visits, massive supplement or medication protocols, or time-consuming wellness routines

  • The step-by-step process any man can use to break free from anxiety, depression, brain fog, and fatigue, and reclaim their vitality, self-confidence, and passion for life

  • Why drugs fail to resolve diseases and may even make them worse, and why diet and lifestyle changes are the key to achieving optimal vitality

  • Why complicated supplement protocols are typically a waste of time and money, and how to figure out what supplements you actually need

  • How to use natural medicine to cut through brain fog, anxiety, depression, and fatigue to gain mental clarity and emotional stability

  • How to get your performance back at home and at work naturally, without prescription medications or invasive medical procedures

    And how to do all of this in less than 20 minutes a day


Dr. Leland Stillman

I became a doctor to help people feel better. I've spent my entire career studying how to prevent and resolve disease with diet and lifestyle changes, and, when necessary, drugs and surgeries. I majored in Environmental Health at Connecticut College, where I studied the effects of environmental pollution on human health. I graduated from the University of Virginia School of Medicine and then trained in Internal Medicine at Maine Medical Center. I now specialize in integrative and functional medicine.

I first became interested in integrative and functional medicine as a teenager. I went to a long list of alternative medical practitioners and found what they told me fascinating. I also found a lot of it unbelievable. This led me to study the sciences in college and then to attend medical school. Since graduating from residency, I have taken on a number of mentors and worked at a range of medical clinics in both the conventional and alternative medical fields. I started my own practice in 2020.

I have been featured on podcasts like Ben Greenfield, Wise Traditions, and Mind Body Green, and news outlets like The Epoch Times, Lifesite News, and

I currently live in Florida and help men all over the world achieve optimal vitality.

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